


Our in-person training sessions offer you the chance to engage with instructors directly and gain valuable insights through hands-on, face-to-face instruction.

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It leverages online platforms to deliver education, allowing participants to access courses remotely. This flexible approach accommodates diverse schedules.

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It is a strategic designed to enhance the skills of employees within a business. It cover a range of topics, from professional develope to job-related skills.

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Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Azure provides a platform for developers to build, deploy, and scale applications without managing the underlying infrastructure. This includes services like Azure App Service for web applications, Azure Functions for serverless computing, and Azure SQL Database for managed relational databases.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

zure offers virtual machines (VMs) that allow users to run Windows or Linux-based applications in the cloud. This provides scalable computing resources without the need to invest in and maintain physical hardware

Storage Services

Azure provides scalable and secure storage solutions, including Blob Storage for object storage, Azure Files for file shares in the cloud, Azure Disk Storage for virtual machine storage, and Azure Table Storage for NoSQL data.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Microsoft offers various SaaS applications through Azure, including Office 365 for productivity tools, Dynamics 365 for customer relationship management (CRM), and more.

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